CBT Provider

Susan Forbes

clinical supervision

Working under supervision refers to the process whereby counsellors or psychotherapists meet with another professional, normally with training in supervision skills, to review their casework with clients, their professional development, and, possibly, their personal development. In addition to individual supervision, some therapists use group supervision, in which several therapists gather together to discuss each other's work.

Most professional bodies for counselling and psychotherapy require their members to undertake supervision of their clinical practice and most therapists view it as an ethical imperative. This serves the interests of both clients and practitioners, offering safety for clients and support for therapists.

Supervision offers three significant benefits: first, it protects clients; secondly, it facilitates learning and professional development; and thirdly, it provides a safe space in which practitioners may seek support. This will be to the benefit of all concerned.

Supervision helps to protect clients by involving a third party to assess the therapist's work in an impartial and professional way. This can reduce the risk of serious oversight and helps supervises to reflect on their approach with the client, together with their own feelings, thoughts and behaviour. Confidentiality is preserved by not using the client's full name.

Supervision facilitates learning by providing the opportunity to reflect on the therapeutic relationship and the progress of the work being undertaken. It allows supervisees to gain insights from another therapist, thus assisting them to learn from their supervisor's experience and to progress in expertise and personal development.

Supervision provides a safe space for supervisees to feel supported in their management of difficult cases, particularly where clients may have disclosed distressing material.

It is generally agreed that all counsellors and psychotherapists, regardless of experience, need supervision. Clients are advised to ascertain for themselves that their prospective therapist receives appropriate supervision. A client has the right to know how their counsellor is supervised, as well as the extent of the supervision.

A consistent and collaborative supervisory relationship has the potential to contribute to effective and safe practice, improve outcomes and assist professional development. The work of therapists is demanding and requires a continuous personal investment, which deserves to be acknowledged, explored and reflected upon.

What I offer

My approach to supervision is underpinned by the knowledge that we are relational beings, so the connections we make, and the feedback we get, help us find meaning in our experience and this can enrich the work we do.

I provide clinical supervision to therapists, working in a variety of modalities, as part of my senior role within an IAPT service, as well as offering supervision to counsellors working in private practice.

I have experience in offering both individual and group supervision. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with my supervisees, as well as assisting and empowering them to find their own voices.

If you are looking for a supervisor and would like to discuss the possibility of working with me, please get in touch
by phone: 07891 657145
or email: susan@cbtprovider.co.uk